Archives for June 5, 2023

The Win-Win Equation: How Building a Board of Advisors Benefits Both Businesses and Board Members

Running a business can be a thrilling and rewarding journey, but it’s not without its challenges. As a business owner, it’s crucial to surround yourself with a network of individuals who can provide guidance, support, and expertise. That’s where a board of advisors comes in. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, building a board of advisors can be a game-changer for your business and an opportunity to provide compensation and benefits to the members. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of a board of advisors, their role, the benefits they bring to businesses, and the value they receive in return. We’ll also discuss how to set up and nurture a successful advisory board.

Understanding the Role of a Board of Advisors:

A board of advisors is a group of trusted individuals who bring diverse perspectives and expertise to help guide the strategic direction of a business. Unlike a board of directors, a board of advisors does not have legal or fiduciary responsibilities but focuses on providing insights, advice, and connections. Their role is to challenge assumptions, offer valuable perspectives, and act as a sounding board for important decisions.

The Benefits for Businesses and Board Members:

Building a board of advisors not only benefits businesses but also offers valuable compensation and benefits for board members. Let’s explore the advantages for both parties:

Benefits for Businesses:

Expertise and Experience: Advisors bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, offering guidance in areas where you may lack expertise, such as finance, marketing, or operations. Their insights can help you avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions.

Expanded Network: Advisors often have extensive networks of industry contacts and can open doors to potential clients, partners, or investors. Leveraging their connections can provide significant growth opportunities for your business.

Objective Perspective: When you’re deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of your business, it can be challenging to see the bigger picture. Advisors provide an objective viewpoint and challenge your assumptions, helping you identify blind spots and consider alternative strategies.

Accountability and Focus: A board of advisors can help keep you accountable to your goals and objectives. Regular meetings with your advisors provide an opportunity to assess progress, discuss challenges, and stay focused on your strategic priorities.

Benefits for Board Members:

Meaningful Contribution: Serving on an advisory board allows members to make a substantial impact on businesses by sharing their expertise, insights, and advice. It provides a sense of fulfillment and the opportunity to shape the success of emerging companies.

Expanded Network and Exposure: Joining an advisory board exposes members to a diverse group of accomplished professionals and industry leaders. It expands their network and opens doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and learning experiences.

Compensation and Benefits: Businesses recognize the valuable time and expertise that board members bring to the table. Compensation and benefits can vary, but they often include financial remuneration, equity or stock options, access to exclusive events or resources, or opportunities for mentorship or personal growth.

Setting Up Your Advisory Board:

Now that we understand the importance of a board of advisors and the benefits it provides to both businesses and board members, let’s explore how to set one up for success:

Define Your Needs: Identify the specific areas where you could benefit from guidance and expertise. Determine the skills, experiences, and networks that would complement your own strengths and align with your business goals.

Identify Potential Advisors: Look for individuals who have relevant industry experience, a track record of success, and a genuine interest in your business. Consider reaching out to mentors, former colleagues, industry experts, or professionals with complementary businesses.

Craft a Compelling Invitation: When approaching potential advisors, it’s essential to convey your vision, passion, and the specific value they can bring to your business. Customize your email or text message to demonstrate your appreciation for their expertise and explain how they can contribute to your success, including the compensation and benefits they will receive for their valuable time.

Sample Email/Text Message:

Subject: Invitation to Join My Advisory Board and Enjoy Valuable Compensation

Dear [Friend/Mentor’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out and share an exciting opportunity with you. As you know, I’ve been passionately building my business [Business Name] over the past few years, and I greatly admire your expertise and success in the [relevant industry].

I am in the process of assembling a small, high-impact advisory board, and I firmly believe that your insights and guidance would be invaluable. Your experience in [specific area of expertise] aligns perfectly with the challenges and opportunities we’re currently facing.

By joining our advisory board, you would have the opportunity to make a significant impact on our strategic decision-making, provide valuable insights, and contribute to our overall success. In recognition of your valuable time and expertise, we are excited to offer [type of compensation or benefit] for your service on our board. We truly value your contributions and believe that this compensation reflects our deep appreciation for your commitment.

Our advisory board will meet quarterly to discuss key business initiatives, review performance, and provide guidance. We value your time and commitment, and we understand that your schedule may be busy. However, your participation would involve approximately four meetings per year, each lasting about two hours. In addition to the formal meetings, we may occasionally reach out for ad-hoc advice or input on specific matters.

As a member of our advisory board, you would be joining a group of accomplished professionals who share a passion for supporting and shaping the success of emerging businesses. Your involvement would not only contribute to the growth of my business but also provide an opportunity for you to expand your network, gain insights into new industries, and leave a lasting impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

I would be honored if you would consider joining our advisory board. I’m happy to provide any additional information you may need or answer any questions you have. Please let me know your thoughts, and if you’re interested, we can schedule a call or meeting to discuss further.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of working together, and I’m excited to discuss the details of the compensation and benefits that we have in mind.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Building a board of advisors is a strategic move that can significantly enhance your business’s success while providing valuable compensation and benefits to the board members. By assembling a group of experienced and knowledgeable individuals, you gain access to expertise, expanded networks, objective perspectives, and accountability. Remember to define your needs, identify potential advisors, and craft a compelling invitation that highlights the compensation and benefits they will receive. Establish regular meetings and foster a collaborative environment to ensure the advisory board’s effectiveness. Embrace the power of an advisory board, unlock growth opportunities, and provide a mutually beneficial experience for both your business and the board members.

Recent AI Breakthroughs Every Business Owner Should Know

Welcome to the AI Revolution! Over the past few months, the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable developments that are reshaping the business landscape. From groundbreaking advancements in natural language processing to cutting-edge computer vision techniques, AI is pushing the boundaries of innovation like never before. In this article, we will explore the most significant AI developments that have unfolded recently, presenting you with exciting opportunities to leverage this transformative technology and stay ahead in your industry.

1. GPT-4: Unleashing the Power of Conversational AI

Language processing has reached new heights with GPT-4, the latest generation of OpenAI’s conversational AI models. GPT-4 brings improved understanding of context, generating human-like responses, and even exhibiting reasoning abilities. Business owners can leverage GPT-4 to enhance customer interactions through chatbots and automate content generation. Learn more about GPT-4 at OpenAI GPT-4.

2. Responsible AI: Ensuring Ethical and Fair Practices

As AI becomes more pervasive, ensuring responsible and ethical use of this technology is crucial. Tools like Google’s What-If Tool and Microsoft’s Fairlearn help evaluate and mitigate biases in AI models, promoting fairness, transparency, and accountability. These tools enable businesses to make informed decisions, reduce social disparities, and build trust with their customers. Explore the What-If Tool at Google What-If Tool and Fairlearn at Microsoft Fairlearn.

3. AutoML: Simplifying AI Model Development for Everyone

AutoML platforms are democratizing AI model development, making it accessible to businesses with limited AI expertise. Platforms like’s Driverless AI and Google’s AutoML allow you to develop custom models without extensive coding or data science knowledge. This empowers you to leverage the power of AI for tasks such as demand forecasting, sentiment analysis, and customer segmentation, accelerating your journey towards data-driven decision-making. Learn more about’s Driverless AI at Driverless AI and Google’s AutoML at Google AutoML.

4. Reinforcement Learning: Unlocking AI’s Ability to Master New Skills

Reinforcement learning is revolutionizing the way AI learns new skills through trial and error. DeepMind’s MuZero is a prime example, combining reinforcement learning with Monte Carlo tree search to achieve superhuman performance in games like chess, Go, and shogi, without prior knowledge of the game rules. This breakthrough has implications for optimizing logistics operations, resource allocation, and financial modeling. Discover more about MuZero at MuZero DeepMind.

5. Computer Vision: Seeing the World with Unprecedented Precision

Computer vision is rapidly advancing, enabling machines to perceive the visual world more accurately than ever before. Facebook’s Open AI Detection (Detectron) and Google’s EfficientDet models have achieved state-of-the-art performance in object detection, segmentation, and tracking. These advancements open doors for applications like autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems, and quality control in manufacturing. Explore Detectron at Facebook Detectron and EfficientDet at Google EfficientDet.

6. Edge Computing: Bringing AI Power to Your Fingertips

Edge computing brings AI capabilities closer to the data source, reducing reliance on cloud infrastructure. Powerful AI chips designed for edge devices enable real-time decision-making. With edge AI, business owners can deploy AI models directly on devices such as smartphones, drones, and IoT sensors, enabling faster response times, improved privacy, and reduced external connectivity dependency. Learn more about edge computing at IBM Edge Computing.

In conclusion, recent AI breakthroughs hold immense potential for business owners. From GPT-4’s conversational AI capabilities to MuZero’s reinforcement learning prowess, these advancements offer opportunities to enhance customer interactions, optimize operations, and make data-driven decisions. Computer vision advancements enable precise perception, edge computing brings AI power to devices, and responsible AI practices ensure ethical and fair use. AutoML platforms democratize AI model development, enabling businesses to leverage AI even without extensive technical knowledge.

By staying informed about these breakthroughs and exploring their applications, business owners can gain a competitive edge and unlock the transformative potential of AI. Embrace these recent developments, partner with experts, and keep an open mindset to leverage AI for innovation and growth in your business.

Embracing Minimalism: Simplifying Your Business for Greater Focus

In a world obsessed with speed, efficiency, and an insatiable desire for more, minimalism offers a refreshing perspective. Popularly associated with pared-down living spaces and capsule wardrobes, minimalism is much more than an aesthetic trend. It’s a philosophy that advocates for ‘less is more’, leading to greater focus, clarity, and efficiency. Applied correctly, minimalism can transform the way we conduct business, fostering leaner operations, clearer strategies, and improved profitability. So, let’s delve into the art of simplifying your business for greater focus and growth.

Minimalism and Business

Minimalism is a philosophy that encourages a focus on the essential elements and shedding excess. In a business context, it’s about doing less but doing it better. It is about focusing on your core competencies, key goals, and the most valuable tasks, letting go of distractions or inefficiencies that prevent you from reaching your potential.

The Benefits of Business Minimalism

Embracing minimalism allows businesses to zero in on what truly matters. It fosters clarity and focus, allowing for easier decision-making and greater efficiency. It can lead to cost savings by eliminating non-value-adding activities, reducing waste and redundancies. Additionally, it promotes a healthier work culture by preventing burnout, enhancing team alignment, and improving overall satisfaction.

Tips to Embrace Minimalism in Your Business

1. Start with Your Vision and Goals

Your business vision and goals are the guiding principles for any form of minimalism. Revisit them and eliminate any tasks, projects, or services that don’t directly contribute to these objectives. This process helps you weed out any distractions that prevent you from maintaining a laser-like focus on your core business objectives.

2. Simplify Your Products or Services

Consider the variety of products or services you offer. Are they all equally profitable? Do they all align with your core competencies? If not, it might be time to cut back and focus on what truly works for your business. Refining your offerings not only reduces complexity but also allows you to deliver higher quality, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Automate and Delegate

Part of embracing minimalism is to get rid of repetitive and mundane tasks that take up your valuable time. Automation tools can handle tasks such as invoice processing, email marketing, and social media posts. Delegating tasks to other team members or outsourcing can also help free up time, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth.

4. Clean Up Your Digital Space

A cluttered digital environment can be as stressful as a physical one. Streamline your digital assets such as files, emails, apps, and software. Use cloud storage for easy access and better organization, unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters, and delete or archive old files. Adopt tools that can integrate various aspects of your business, like project management, communication, and finance, to reduce the need for multiple apps.

5. Restructure Your Calendar

Managing your time effectively is a critical part of business minimalism. Simplify your calendar by allocating specific days for meetings, preferably one or two days per week. This leaves the remaining days for focused work, allowing you to be more productive. Similarly, consider time blocking – dedicating specific time slots to individual tasks or types of work. This approach minimizes distractions and promotes deep work.

6. Promote a Minimalist Culture

Foster a work culture that values quality over quantity. Encourage your team to focus on one task at a time for better productivity, discourage unnecessary meetings, and foster open communication to reduce the need for endless email threads.

7. Re-evaluate Regularly

Minimalism is not a one-time effort. Make it a habit to regularly re-evaluate your business processes, tasks, and goals to see if they align with your minimalist approach. This will help you maintain focus and continually refine your business for better growth and profitability.

The Minimalist Business – A Case Study

Let’s consider the example of Apple, a company known for its minimalist design philosophy. Steve Jobs famously said, “Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.” This mantra was not just confined to product design, but also applied to the company’s strategy, operations, and marketing.

Jobs’s return to Apple in 1997 brought the company back from the brink of bankruptcy. One of his first orders of business was a dramatic product line cutback. From dozens of product variations, Jobs pared down the product list to just a handful. This bold minimalist move allowed the company to focus on creating high-quality, revolutionary products like the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Each product, while simplistic in design, offered a superior user experience, emphasizing the minimalist philosophy of quality over quantity. This approach helped Apple to stand out in a crowded market and grow into the tech giant it is today.

Embracing minimalism in business may initially seem counterintuitive, especially in a world that often equates more with better. However, as the Apple story and countless others show, focusing on less can indeed lead to more – more clarity, more efficiency, and more growth.

Remember, the goal of business minimalism isn’t about mindless reduction, but strategic elimination and focus. It’s about stripping away the excess to reveal the core of your business – the heart of what you do and why you do it. By doing less, you create room to do what truly matters better, thereby achieving greater focus, delivering higher value, and ultimately driving sustainable business growth.

Next Steps

If the idea of embracing minimalism in your business resonates with you and you’d like guidance and accountability in simplifying your business and creating a life and business you absolutely love, contact me for more details about my Grow by Subtraction Accelerator. As with all journeys, the first step might be the hardest, but the rewards you’ll reap from a minimalist approach to business are worth it. Embrace the art of simplicity. Your business might just thank you for it.

Surviving the Burnout: How to Rediscover Your Passion and Revive Your Business

Every business owner knows that running a business is not a sprint, but a marathon. The journey can be compared to a roller coaster ride that carries you through the exhilarating highs of new achievements and the stomach-dropping lows of the challenges that test your mettle. At times, you might find yourself facing burnout—a sense of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Let’s be real, we’ve all been there—I too have felt the burn of burnout, forcing me to take a step back, to return with a renewed vigor and fresh eyes.

Recognizing the signs of burnout is the first step towards recovery. You might be experiencing burnout if you:

  • Feel persistently exhausted, regardless of the amount of sleep you get
  • Feel overwhelmed by the tasks that you used to complete easily
  • Are constantly irritated or frustrated
  • Start to detach from your work emotionally
  • Notice a significant decrease in your productivity or the quality of your work
  • If you nodded your head as you read through these signs, it might be an indication that you’re on the road to burnout.

But remember, it’s never too late to turn things around, to renew your passion and fall back in love with your business. Here are some strategies to rekindle the flame:

1. Revisit Your ‘Why’

Think back to why you began this journey. What excited you about your business? What dreams did you harbor? Reconnecting with your original vision and mission could reignite the dormant spark. If your business no longer aligns with your initial ‘why,’ it might be time for a reassessment.

2. Prioritize Self-Care

A healthy mind and body are prerequisites for a successful business. Nourishing your well-being, staying physically active, getting adequate rest, and taking breaks when required can lead to a clearer and more focused mind.

3. Delegate and Empower Your Team

Don’t shoulder all the responsibilities. Trust in your team, empower them, and delegate tasks, allowing you to focus on the larger picture—growing your business.

4. Engage in Activities You Love

Spend time doing things you love outside of your business. Be it a hobby or spending time with loved ones, these moments can provide fresh insights and invigorate you.

5. Seek Support

Connect with mentors, business coaches, or peers who can provide guidance and support. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be tremendously helpful.

6. Celebrate Achievements

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Acknowledging your progress is a powerful antidote to burnout.

Remember the story of the Phoenix, a mythical bird that famously rises from the ashes of its predecessor? Like the Phoenix, burnout can be an opportunity for rebirth. It’s a sign that something isn’t working, and change is necessary. It may be tough, but it can lead to an improved perspective, better strategies, and a healthier approach to running your business.

7. Balance Work and Life

The blurring lines between work and life can be a key contributor to burnout. Therefore, it’s crucial to establish boundaries between your personal and professional life. Take breaks, plan vacations, spend quality time with family, and engage in hobbies. This balance can provide a much-needed respite and help rejuvenate your mind and spirit.

8. Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset allows you to perceive challenges as opportunities rather than threats. This fosters resilience and encourages a healthy perspective towards failure, viewing it not as an end but as a stepping-stone towards success.

Remember, experiencing burnout is not a sign of defeat. It’s a part of the journey that most of us go through. It doesn’t define you or your business, but signals that a change is needed. Recognize it, address it, and use it as a platform for growth and transformation.

In closing, I’ll leave you with this insightful quote by Barbara Kingsolver: “The changes we dread most may contain our salvation.” If you are going through burnout, remember, like the Phoenix, you can rise again, with renewed energy, passion, and a fresh love for your business. Burnout might be tough, but it could be the catalyst you need to rekindle the flame and fall in love with your business all over again.