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Below you will find details on where to find Denise at upcoming events, dozens of news and media outlets where Denise has been featured over the years, and photos of Denise with industry leaders, Please scroll for details.


Here is where I am headed in the coming months.

If you plan to attend any of these events, let me know, as I would enjoy meeting up in person.

November 8-10, 2024 – Genius Network Mastermind – Annual Event (Scottsdale, AZ)

*Others – TBD as the year progresses.
**Note that I also generally spend one week per month in Sedona at my second home there. I love the hiking and outdoor activities there.



News | 18 April, 2023

Check out my interview that was just released on March 16 on the Entrepreneurs on Fire podcast with John Lee Dumas. This is one of the…

News | 18 April, 2023

I was honored to be featured on the Grind Less, Flow More podcast with Paul Davidescu where we discussed how to take back more of your time…

News | 09 March, 2023

In celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8, 2023, Denise was honored to be one of the guest speakers for WE global, where…

News | 19 January, 2023

On January 19, 2023, Denise was honored to be interviewed by five FOX News radio stations around the country to share her insights about the…

News | 13 January, 2023

I was pumped to join in a conversation with Darius Mirshahzadeh on January 13, 2023, where we talked about workaholicism, the American “grind” culture,” and…

News | 12 January, 2023

On January 12th, 2023, Denise joined Merrily McAuliffe on CBS broadcasting in Charleston, West Virginia, to discuss what "Lucky Girl Syndrome" is and how the…

News | 06 January, 2023

What an exhilarating morning Denise had on December 29, 2022. Starting at 7:00am, she was scheduled for 8 live interviews nationwide on a FOX News…

News | 06 January, 2023

Denise was thrilled to have had the opportunity to share her book, The Vacation Effect for Entrepreneurs, with over 1 million households on iHeart radio's national…

News | 21 December, 2022

On December 21st, 2022, Denise joined Mike C-Roc Ciorrocco of What Are You Made Of? to discuss how to create freedom and start living your…



Randi Zuckerberg
Arianna Huffington
Sir Richard Branson
Naveen Jain
John Mackey
Michael Port
Joe Polish
Sean Stephenson
Lou Ferringo
Ray Kurzweil
David Bach
The Property Brothers
Mary Morrissey
Guy Kawasaki
Sandra Day O’ Connor
Frank Kern
Robert Allen
Dean Jackson
Brian Tracy
Perry Belcher
Jon and Missy Butcher
Mike Koenigs
Alexis Katz
Alex Mandossian