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Business Growth | 14 February, 2024

Goal setting is a fundamental human process that propels us forward, yet many of us struggle to set and follow through on our ambitions. I…

Business Growth | 14 February, 2024

Leaving a legacy is a concept deeply rooted in the human need to extend influence beyond our mortal days. There's a universal yearning to be…

Business Growth | 14 February, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I absolutely love to travel. I’ve been to over 56 countries and counting, and I travel somewhere every single…

Business Growth | 14 February, 2024

In a world that craves quick fixes and instant gratification, the compound effect is a quiet superhero working behind the scenes of success. It's the…

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In today's always-on digital world, it can be easy to fall into the trap of feeling the need to be perpetually connected to work. With…

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In the previous article, we explored the key differences between legacy businesses and businesses that are owner-centric or a "job in disguise." We learned that legacy…

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Starting a business is a monumental achievement, but not all businesses are created equal. Some are designed to last for generations, while others are merely…

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As a business owner, the end of the year can bring a mixture of excitement and anxiety. You might be looking forward to a fresh…

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Running a business can be a thrilling and rewarding journey, but it's not without its challenges. As a business owner, it's crucial to surround yourself…