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Denise Gosnell IS A


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At Your Event

Denise Gosnell is a dynamic speaker with diverse talents in the areas of business, lifestyle design, time management, law, real estate, technology, and publishing. She has spoken on stages in 8 countries around the world. Denise is frequently asked to share her knowledge through conferences, podcasts, and media interviews.

Please call Heather Briggs at 317-579-9922 x 2 or Contact Us for more information on booking Denise for your next event or interview.

You can view the one page media kit here, and the longer media kit here.

You can download a headshot of Denise below:

Headshot 1 | Headshot 2 | Headshot 3 | Headshot 4 

NBC DFW White2

You can also watch some media videos below

where i was interviewed by christina daves:

My media reel: