Denise Featured on FOX News Radio Tour on 7 Stations Nationwide

On December 12, 2022 Denise was honored to be interviewed by seven FOX News radio stations around the country discussing the Pinocchio Syndrome. The Pinocchio Syndrome is best defined as employees who are lying and cheating to earn an extra incentive at work. In 2020, Wells Fargo was fined $3 Billion dollars to settle claims for fraudulent activity involving bank personnel opening bogus accounts in order to meet sales quotas. What is the underlying reason that employees are abusing this system? Is corporate America to blame for how we operate, pushing employees to work more and longer hours? As a well-respected business strategist, Denise was asked to share her insight on these trends and how companies can restructure to reward employees for their results instead of micro-managing and evaluating your team by how many hours they spend at the office. You can listen to Denise’s full interview with WBAP Dallas Morning News Team here.

Interested in hearing more?

Check out a few of Denise’s other interviews here:

1) iHeart’s KOGO San Diego, California

2) WERC Birmingham, Alabama

3) WILS Lansing, Michigan

Denise was also interviewed by WIBX in Utica, NY, WSJK in Champaign, IL and also on WHO in Des Moines, IA, reaching a nationwide audience of more than 700,000 households.

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