On May 4, 2020, Eli Adelson joined Denise to talk about what it means to “be in flow and how can you get into flow any time you want. Listen to full episode here.
In this Episode, Denise and Eli Discuss:
- What it means to “be in flow.”
- How can you get into flow any time you want.
- Some of Eli’s favorite ways to get into flow.
- Quantum energies that play in the background to help transform your personal energy and the energy in the room.
- How to perform an “Intention Meditation.”
- How to make even mundane activities more fun.
Key Takeaways:
- Flow is when your inner game and outer game are in alignment. When in flow, you can often perform things with joy and ease.
- Try to be in flow as much as possible. It doesn’t keep you from feeling your feelings.
- Use meditation and visualization to help you. You can use the Intention Meditation and the Red Balloon visualization that Eli walked through in the episode to help you.
- Try listening to music in other languages to help you get into flow (since you won’t generally know the words).
“Acknowledge that you had this feeling and thank it for being there and serving you for so long. Then just let it go off and do it’s own thing, because at this point in your life it no longer serves you.” – Eli Adelson
About Eli Adelson:
Eli Adelson is the co-owner of Peace and Harmony Co with his dad David Adelson, a company dedicated to helping people create a higher quality of life and resolve annoying everyday frustrations using quantum energy – PES® Enhancers™. Peace and Harmony Co has infused certain energy enhancers into over 500 unique silent and nature MP3s, videos, art and photography and so much more.
One of these energy enhancers for peace and harmony is playing silently in the background during this episode, so please let the podcast host Denise Gosnell know if you can tell any difference in how it makes you feel. You can access this for yourself at: https://peaceandharmonydownload.com/.
From the beaches in Bali to the cathedrals in Rome, from temples in Japan to bars in Taiwan, Eli spends his time living a life most people dream of.
After realizing that everyone at his new university was there just getting high, Eli got a refund, went home, and created his own leadership/management program studying dozens of books and videos from Zig Zigular, Jim Rohn, Richard Branson, and more.
He took the next year off and went traveling. And hasn’t stopped. His ancient website showcases Australia, Thailand (studied Thai massage), China, Tibet, Everest Base Camp, England, France, Italy, Finland, Mongolia, Spain, Bali, India (studied Ayurveda), and many more. He’s been living in Asia for over a decade now and along the way completed his degree from UMass.
Eli stepped into teaching flow when traveling companions and friends started seeking his advice. With an insatiable desire to grow, he’s studied human behavior, communication, and development for years to better understand how to live in flow.
Connect with Eli:
For the free silent audio mentioned in the interview: http://www.PeaceAndHarmonyDownload.com
Eli’s new book: https://foreverinflow.com/
To take the flow quiz Eli mentioned: http://www.TakeThisQuizNow.com
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/eli-adelson-3405b5159/
Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:
Website: DeniseGosnell.com
Show: The Vacation Effect Podcast
Book: The Vacation Effect Book
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect
LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc.