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002 Mike Koenigs: “Gamifying” Your Life and Money

Mike Koenigs

In the December 16, 2019 episode of The Vacation Effect Podcast, Mike Koenigs joined Denise Gosnell to talk about health hacks and lessons he learned during his cancer scare when he could only work one hour per day to keep his companies going. Listen to full episode here.

In this episode, Denise and Mike discuss:

  • Health hacks and lessons that Mike learned during his cancer scare when he could only work one hour per day to keep his companies going.
  • Deciding what’s important when you have a limited amount of time.
  • The infectious disease of busy nonsense.
  • How Mike creates boundaries in a world where everyone has a proposal for him.
  • “Gamifying” your life and money.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to ask great questions! Get those you’re talking to emotionally connected, concerned, and involved in ways they aren’t used to.
  • Plan your day based on what is most important, your health, sleep, and the people you love.
  • The fear of not having enough, not being enough, is an illusion.
  • Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
  • Play the long game and build your platform.

“Most of our lives are filled with chaos and time-wasting BS. Very few things give us maximum impact. One of them that is an absolute for sure is working out.” —  Mike Koenigs

About Mike Koenigs:

Mike Koenigs is a Serial Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Judge on Entrepreneur.com’s “Elevator Pitch”, and 13-Time Bestselling Author.  Mike helps business owners and entrepreneurs get PAID for BEING, instead of DOING by elevating their status and message to create more impact, income and freedom.

Mike’s companies have helped over 57,000 customers in 121 different countries gain attention and engagement. He’s helped over 1,800 business owners become bestselling authors.

As a serial entrepreneur, his first exit, Digital Cafe, one of the first digital marketing agencies, was sold to the publicly-traded Interpublic Group. His next two, Traffic Geyser and Instant Customer, were SaaS companies, were sold to publicly-traded companies. His fourth business was sold last year to a private buyer.

Mike is a regular contributor and columnist for Entrepreneur and Forbes magazines and has interviewed, consulted and advised celebrity clients, billionaires and bestselling authors including Tony Robbins, Paula Abdul, Harvey Mackay, and Darren Hardy, to name a few.

Connect with Mike Koenigs:

Website (including the free training Mike mentioned): MikeKoenigs.com

Show: Capability Amplifier Podcast

LinkedIn: Mike Koenigs

Facebook: Mike Koenigs

YouTube: Mike Koenigs

Instagram: @mikekoenigs

Book: Cancerpreneur: How You, Your Marriage, Family and Business Can Survive and Thrive Through Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment and Recovery and many more!

Connect with Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect:

Website:  DeniseGosnell.com

Show:  The Vacation Effect Podcast

Book:  The Vacation Effect Book

Email:  Info@DeniseGosnell.com

Facebook: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect 

LinkedIn: Denise Gosnell and The Vacation Effect, Inc. 

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